Merry Christmas! Shopping Tips 2015

Merry Christmas everyone! 

Another year, another update to my last shopping tips. With all the stores closed on Christmas Day, I usually like to provide all the shopping tips ahead of Boxing Day tomorrow. Hopefully you already read my last year’s Boxing Day post to help you prepare for this year’s shopping.

Open your gifts first

This sounds so obvious. But don’t go buy something that you already received for Christmas! Also, if you are into gift exchanges (after opening a gift), you may want to consider exchanging gifts with friends and family, so that you can all get what you want. It may sound tacky, but it could be a win/win, so why not?!

Know Your Prices

I can’t stress this factor enough. There is no need to get caught up on the Boxing Day hype, when you already know your prices, then you will know if you are getting a good deal or not during these sales.

Set a Budget

Especially if you do not want to wake up to a nightmare the next day, set a budget on how much you are willing to spend the entire day. Accumulate your receipts as you go, have a calculator handy. This factor takes a lot of discipline, but you won’t regret it when you wake up the next morning!

Have Your Credit Cards and Loyalty Cards Ready

Don’t leave your house without them. You want to take advantage of racking up as many points as possible.

Bring your Running List

For those of you who are like me, who keep a running list of items that I need to buy, but wait for sales to purchase them. This a great time to check off some items from that list, assuming you find the price that you want, and falls within your budget!

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